1.Revision of Learning Objectives:The learning objectives have been revised to be more specific while the authors have added new ones, identified them in the margin, and keyed them directly to sections within the chapter.


2.New Examples:The new examples include more variables and more observations. It presents a realistic business situation. It is also used later in the text.


3.New Sections:New sections have been added in various chapters:

Chapter 9 has been reorganized to make it more teachable and improve the flow of the topics.

Chapter 13 has been reorganized and includes a test of hypothesis for the slope of the regression coefficient.

Chapter 15 now includes a graphic test for normality and the chisquare test for normality.


4.Excel 2010:New exercises and examples use Excel 2010 screenshots and the latest version of Minitab.?

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E是本不錯的商業理財﹐心動不如馬上行動,欲購從速,網購的好處就是超方便



好看的商業理財Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E全書的內容大意

看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿,總會覺得彷彿一伸出雙手便能擁抱全世界

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E購買也很便利,誠意推薦給大家看喔!

  • 出版社:華泰文化 博客來


  • 出版日期:2014/02/25
  • 語言:英文





  • 出版社:華泰文化


  • 出版日期:2014/02/25
  • 語言:英文

1.Revision of Learning Objectives:The learning objectives have been revised to be more specific while the authors have added new ones, identified them in the margin, and keyed them directly to sections within the chapter.


2.New Examples:The new examples include more variables and more observations. It presents a realistic business situation. It is also used later in the text.


3.New Sections:New sections have been added in various chapters:

Chapter 9 has been reorganized to make it more teachable and improve the flow of the topics.

Chapter 13 has been reorganized and includes a test of hypothesis for the slope of the regression coefficient.

Chapter 15 now includes a graphic test for normality and the chisquare test for normality.


4.Excel 2010:New exercises and examples use Excel 2010 screenshots and the latest version of Minitab.?

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E推薦,Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E討論Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E比較評比,Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E開箱文,Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E部落客

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E
那裡買,Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E價格,Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E特賣會,Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E評比,Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E部落客 推薦

爆笑英雄 二 偷天公會



刀劍蒼穹 15


異世高手唐風 02


武絕蒼芎 04


Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 8-E



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